Monday, August 31, 2009

This was no time for play.

This was no time for fun.
This was no time for games.
There was work to be done.

All that deep,
Deep, deep snow,
All that snow had to go.
When our mother went down to the town for the day,
She said, " Somebody has to clean this all away.
Somebody, SOMEBODY, has to, you see."
Then she picked out two Somebodies.
Sally and me.

There we were.
We were working like that
And then who should come up

Book week at Avondale (Kai's school) has been and gone. To end the actioned packed week they have a dress as your favourite character from your favourite book. Kai loves Dr.Seuss books, so who better than Cat in the Hat. It was a great parade, everyone was dressed up, so fun was had by all, Kai even won best dressed for year one......But Thing Two did award him the prize ?????

Look Out Canadian School.....

Jenaya Noodle has hit your shores....... There was much excitement in the Moose house hold 2 weeks ago (Sorry a little slack on the up date) Jenaya started the next exciting part of her school life.....She started school at the Canadian International School and the best part she loves it. She has had an action packed 2 weeks, meeting new teachers, making new friends, finding her way around a new school, catching new buses to and from school - Miss Independent, that is what she is.

She has made so proud how she has grabbed another change in her life with both hands and a smile on her face and gone for it. We know that you will have a fantastic time at CIS, learning, meeting and trying some new and exciting things. Enjoy every minute.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Everyone loves a surprise

well you hope so..... Last night Moose jumped on a plane and headed down south to the sunny shores of Australia, why I hear you ask, well to join in the celebrations for Paul's 40th Birthday.

Oh like I said a couple of weeks ago the Moose family loves to celebrate, well I think this shows our commitment and how far we will go to help celebrate for someone. I know Paul will be surprised, very......

Moose left last night and will return back to the Moose family tomorrow night. I am very sure right now Marty, Paul and Steve are having the time of their lives. Moose you know I think your the best husband, Jenaya and Kai know your the greatest dad and right now I am pretty sure Paul will think that your a pretty fine brother. Your the bestest....

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Paul is Joining "THE CLUB"

What the club is I don't really know, what you do when you get to the club - that I can't answer either, where to go to get to the club, once again ???? but you have to be 40, to join the club and guess what Paul is turning 40 today, so he now is in the club ! Lucky Paul.

Do you get a card...yes, lots cause it's your birthday, do you get a free drink voucher - well you should...cause it's your birthday. Do you get waited on hand and foot - well Derrrrrr It's Your BIRTHDAY.

Paul we hope you have a fantastic birthday and you enjoy "The Club".
Hopefully we will talk to you later in the day - have a good one...YOUNG man.

Lots of Love Marty, Nic (non-club members) Jenaya and Kai xxxx

Friday, August 7, 2009

You Know We Love

and I mean LOVE birthday's..... Well today is one of our Bali Buddies Birthday (try saying that 5 times very fast after a couple glasses of vino) KIM YEAHHHHHH...

As you all know the Moose's love to help celebrate birthday's, well actually we love celebrating basically anything. Anywho back to Kim our Birthday Princess ..... Kim we hope you have a fantastic birthday and we know you will get spoilt as you truly deserve and we will celebrate tomorrow afternoon - oh it won't be a late one hahahahahahaha......

Thanks for being such a fantastic friend and a great "Aunty" to Jenaya and Kai. We love you birthday girl... Cheers

Love The Moose's xxxx
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Wednesday, August 5, 2009

You Gotta Love Wednesday's

Why.... Well it is our one day during the week when Jenaya and Kai have absolutely nothing on after school....Oh how I love Wednesday. Homework is the only thing on and currently Kai is the only one who has it, much to the delight of Jenaya - her time will come though and then we will see who is still smiling....

On the news front we got some very exciting and I mean very exciting news and I have forgotten to pass this news onto you all......drum roll please

Grandma and Grandad are heading up our way in November for a visit. Itineraries are already being worked out Jenaya and Kai style - Grandma & Grandad better be well rested,. So yes we are, all of us very excited.

Before they arrive we have a feast of family and friends dropping by sunny Singapore - we love visitors....So look out anyone else that is heading our way - Jenaya and Kai need to test run the itinerary.....

P.S Forgot to mention to all those beer loving people today is International Beer Day..Cheers

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Nothing Really to Say

except that I have finally worked out how to tweak photo's on my computer...... I know I know a little slow on the uptake... So anywho, this is my first photo that I have made a few changes to.
We met this little girl when we were in Bali. Her mother was working at the villa that we stayed at. She was such a sweat thing and loved having her photo taken, except she was hard to keep still. She also loved seeing herself on my camera screen, she is just beautiful.