Wednesday, October 26, 2011

So With A Bit of Light

on the track - makes you wonder and ask the very important question -

Who's bloody idea was it to climb up that buggar of a mountain ?

Mooooooose Maaaaaaannnnnnnn

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

See How Happy

I am now.

Couple of hours sleep and a beer - Oh I was liken Moose Man again now.....He knows the way to a girls heart

So Can We Answer Yes

To any of those question's that I posted yesterday.......

Hell Yes......

This was the flatter part of Lantau Peak YAY

See those little lights down the bottom of the Lantau Peak to the right - that's where we had started the trek up mmmmmm

YAY Nearly at the top - well kinda of and it is flattening out - even better - was feeling pretty hap hap happy right now - hahahahahaha

Here is a happy snap at the starting line with our friends Bonnie and Mark - Bonnie still looked this good at the finish line - Thanks guys for showing us the extreme side of Hong Kong - YAY for us !!!

Thats right what goes up must come down

And down

Think I have answered all the questions - Oh yes we are still friends - but if you were on Lantau
Peak on Saturday morning - it might not of sounded very friendly - but I always love you
Moose Man.

Monday, October 24, 2011


There are a few questions that go along with picture ?

Did we finish ?

If we finished did we look this happy ?

Is Lantau Peak Steep ?

Are we still friends ?

Did we really deep down inside have fun ?

Thursday, October 20, 2011

These Babies Are Going To

Get a work out tomorrow night.....

Excitement is that what they call it ? Yes, Yes I think it is, no hold on maybe it is just nerves disguised as excitement !! I will let you know later. Anywho tomorrow night is the big night, at 11.20pm Marty and I will start our 25km hike/walk - with some mention of run too (That will make the big fella hap hap happy).

Do we know what to expect other than it will be dark and hilly - well NO !!

Does that worry us... Hell NO (well kind of, for me - Marty is brave and strong and not scared of anything).

We will have fun - YES, I am sure of that, and best of all we have now raised nearly $17,000 - so again another HUGE thank you to all that have sponsored us. Room to Read have notified us of how and where the monies raised this year will go. They include: a standalone constructed library in Laos, and classroom libraries in each of these countries: Bangladesh, India, Sri Lanka, and Cambodia.

Thank you for your supporting Team Moose and Room to Read - it is appreciated so much.

Have a fun weekend - cause we will
Team Moose xx

Friday, October 14, 2011

Yes We Are Still Alive !!

Sorry it has been a while well a long while. As always I have a very good excuse well sort of, anywho I, I mean we, have been busy and right now it doesn't look like it it going to getting any less busy.

Do I have any news - well not really, except - Jenaya and Kai are now on their mid-semester brake for 2 weeks and 2 days.

Marty and I do our race up in Hong Kong in 1 week and 9 hours. Are we ready for the race - YES, well I think we are, we have both had our share of injuries but right now we are looking good. I do have a physio appointment tomorrow morning, but nothing really to report there, Marty can now move again and walk and run like every good person should be able to do - we won't go there !!! So yes we are fighting fit or as Jenaya said the other day 'boy you two are getting old', shame cause she was my favourite daughter.

Anywho, back to the race, the best news of all, for those of you who don't know, we are raising money for the 'Room To Read' foundation by doing this race. So far we have raised just shy of $16,000.00 - that's right $16,000.00 WOW We are very lucky that we have had some wonderful family, friends and work colleagues donate so much money to such a fantastic cause. So if one of those wonderful people happen to be reading this a HUGE THANK YOU, and for those who gave diddle squat - we will get you next year - maybe - if I survive.

So that's what we have been up to !!