Friday, December 9, 2011

Only 8 More Sleeps

Then we are leaving on a jet plane, don't when we'll be back again (well I do - 15th January 2012).

Friday, December 2, 2011

You Know Christmas is

Getting closer, when Westpac's Dinner & Dance (D&D) is on and happening. Every year there is aways a theme, this year was no different - RETRO was the way to go - wooo hooo !!!

Look what we found in our wardrobe's - Giddy Up.

Nothing like getting all retro ed up and grooooving around to the sound's of ice ice baby or let's groove tonight. Oh my dream night out !!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Nineteen Years

And still having fun.

Love you more than mud my sweet sweet Moose man xxxx

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Just A Couple More

photo's from our super fun weekend in Phuket !

Winners Are Grinners

Doesn't get much better than this for the young ladies of ISA Singapore.

What a tournament - 28 goals for - 0 against.

To go through a tournament undefeated is just amazing and to do in the style these girls did it in was FANTASTIC. They played so well every time they took the field - you girls are a smokin' hot team.

Woooo Hooooo Noodle you were on fire - you played so well, best on pitch by far - hehehehehe.

A great weekend of football in very hot conditions - but we all still had energy to celebrate after the final whistle.

What a great weekend - thanks for letting me come Noodle.

Monday, November 7, 2011

The girls are home ......

The boys have had some fun, but we are REALLY HAPPY to have the girls home late tonight from the Phuket Intl footy tournament. The Noodle (and the ISA U/15 girls team) are the tournament Champions !! Congrats to Jenaya ....

Kai and I have been following every text message,score and update !!

Hopefully the boss will be back online tomorrow with photos to update

Anyways, till tomorrow = GOOOOO NOOODLE !

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

So With A Bit of Light

on the track - makes you wonder and ask the very important question -

Who's bloody idea was it to climb up that buggar of a mountain ?

Mooooooose Maaaaaaannnnnnnn

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

See How Happy

I am now.

Couple of hours sleep and a beer - Oh I was liken Moose Man again now.....He knows the way to a girls heart

So Can We Answer Yes

To any of those question's that I posted yesterday.......

Hell Yes......

This was the flatter part of Lantau Peak YAY

See those little lights down the bottom of the Lantau Peak to the right - that's where we had started the trek up mmmmmm

YAY Nearly at the top - well kinda of and it is flattening out - even better - was feeling pretty hap hap happy right now - hahahahahaha

Here is a happy snap at the starting line with our friends Bonnie and Mark - Bonnie still looked this good at the finish line - Thanks guys for showing us the extreme side of Hong Kong - YAY for us !!!

Thats right what goes up must come down

And down

Think I have answered all the questions - Oh yes we are still friends - but if you were on Lantau
Peak on Saturday morning - it might not of sounded very friendly - but I always love you
Moose Man.

Monday, October 24, 2011


There are a few questions that go along with picture ?

Did we finish ?

If we finished did we look this happy ?

Is Lantau Peak Steep ?

Are we still friends ?

Did we really deep down inside have fun ?

Thursday, October 20, 2011

These Babies Are Going To

Get a work out tomorrow night.....

Excitement is that what they call it ? Yes, Yes I think it is, no hold on maybe it is just nerves disguised as excitement !! I will let you know later. Anywho tomorrow night is the big night, at 11.20pm Marty and I will start our 25km hike/walk - with some mention of run too (That will make the big fella hap hap happy).

Do we know what to expect other than it will be dark and hilly - well NO !!

Does that worry us... Hell NO (well kind of, for me - Marty is brave and strong and not scared of anything).

We will have fun - YES, I am sure of that, and best of all we have now raised nearly $17,000 - so again another HUGE thank you to all that have sponsored us. Room to Read have notified us of how and where the monies raised this year will go. They include: a standalone constructed library in Laos, and classroom libraries in each of these countries: Bangladesh, India, Sri Lanka, and Cambodia.

Thank you for your supporting Team Moose and Room to Read - it is appreciated so much.

Have a fun weekend - cause we will
Team Moose xx

Friday, October 14, 2011

Yes We Are Still Alive !!

Sorry it has been a while well a long while. As always I have a very good excuse well sort of, anywho I, I mean we, have been busy and right now it doesn't look like it it going to getting any less busy.

Do I have any news - well not really, except - Jenaya and Kai are now on their mid-semester brake for 2 weeks and 2 days.

Marty and I do our race up in Hong Kong in 1 week and 9 hours. Are we ready for the race - YES, well I think we are, we have both had our share of injuries but right now we are looking good. I do have a physio appointment tomorrow morning, but nothing really to report there, Marty can now move again and walk and run like every good person should be able to do - we won't go there !!! So yes we are fighting fit or as Jenaya said the other day 'boy you two are getting old', shame cause she was my favourite daughter.

Anywho, back to the race, the best news of all, for those of you who don't know, we are raising money for the 'Room To Read' foundation by doing this race. So far we have raised just shy of $16,000.00 - that's right $16,000.00 WOW We are very lucky that we have had some wonderful family, friends and work colleagues donate so much money to such a fantastic cause. So if one of those wonderful people happen to be reading this a HUGE THANK YOU, and for those who gave diddle squat - we will get you next year - maybe - if I survive.

So that's what we have been up to !!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Happy Father's Day

So to mark the occasion we had a lovely dinner last night with some wonderful friends, wine was great, the Mustard Beef with crispy potatoes, asparagus with tarragon, beans with brown butter and pine nuts was delicious but the salted caramel cheese cake with caramel sauce was just to die for.........

Anywho - hope Marty and Dad Goodacre have a fantastic day - love you both more than mud...

Friday, September 2, 2011

My Head Hurts

And it's not cause I have had a fall either !!!

Wish we were back here.......

Friday, August 26, 2011

Even Bunny Enjoyed Switzerland

For those of you that don't know Bunny - Mr Bunny to those who have only just met him - he is Kai's trusted side kick. He has magical powers most of the time and all the other times he is just the cute little bunny who sleeps with Kai.

So Well All Know What This Means Now ??

Don't We ??

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

So It Has Been That Long

I forgot the password to get in to our blog spot !!!!!

Anywho, thought it was time that I caught you all up to date on the goings on here at Club Moose.

Where to start ??? Let start with our fabulous, super, fantastic, wow trip to Switzerland, with a some side trips to Munich and Austria. I have at least posted some photo's, with still so many more photo's in my file that you haven't seen. Well, we had the bestest holiday ever, so good
that I have started sending Marty's CV to all the banks in Switzerland - just don't tell him hehehehe.
Anyway, We were very lucky to have Catherine and David (aka Beachball) to stay with in Zurich, they wined us till our heads hurt (which was everyday that we stayed with them), fed us the the finest food money could buy (till our stomachs nearly exploded - not a bad thing) and made us laugh (till my ribs were going to explode), oh and show us the sights of Zurich - we are so lucky to have them as friends - actually they are more like family (the good part of the family - which is lucky).

We then jumped in a hire car, unfolded a map and took off in that direction - luckily most of the time it was the right direction - just a few hick ups here and there, but there is that saying what stays on tour Marty - stays on tour !! Your safe hehehehehe.

I won't go into all the details - except it was FANTASTIC, WONDERFUL and I think we broke the world record for saying WOW - Switzerland is just one of the most amazing places that I have ever visited and hopefully we will be back again one day soon. Austria and Germany were just as fantastic - so I think you might get it - we had a very nice holiday !!

Then when we arrived back to sweltering Singapore - Dot with the lot arrived YAY !!! as always lots going on when Nanny is in town - never a dull moment. We swam, we shopped, we played games (well Nanny & the kidlest did) we went and saw Lion King - which we all loved, we even fitted in some sight seeing. So when Nanny's visit came to an end, she packed her bags and Noodle and Monkey packed theirs and they all flew back to Sydney - Marty & I were left all alone - Oh My !!!!

Anywho - why should they have all the fun - we decided we would head up to Phuket for a long weekend away - YAY for us - we had a lovely time. But I am thinking after hearing all Noodles and Kai's Sydney, Bomaderry and Forestville stories - their time away was pretty jammed packed full of fun.

So that's what we have been up to - well your kinda up to date - but will do another post.......

Soon - I promise !!!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

So The Big Question Is

Beach, did you go back and purchase those pants you were eyeing off while we were in town !!! Hope you did I think you'd look fab in them - Giddy Up

Monday, July 25, 2011

Kids Are Away

But I am still really very busy !!!! Anywho he is couple more pictures....

In the photo above if you look really hard you can see a line of people hiking up this mountain. (snow side) This is on our itinerary for our next visit or when we move there !!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

The Party Girl Has

found a great book to read, so I have some time to post more pictures.....

Have to go it's happy hour - for 3 happy hours hahahahahaha. Still about 2000 photo's to go.....

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

We're Back.....

Here are some photo's to wet your appetite, will post again soon - the party girl is in town (Dot with the Lot) so we are a little busy......

Oh did I mention that we had the best time ever - I now have a very bad case of the post holiday blues - boo whoo