Monday, February 15, 2016

Now We Are Up To The Big One

Our Baby girl's 18th Birthday.  Whoop Whoop.

Noodle spent her actual birthday in Bangkok at a school touch football tournament, just the way she probably wanted it.  What a great gift she received - they won the tournament and again for the 3rd year in a row she won MVP YAY.

I really don't know where to start with Noodle Pop, I'm kinda sorta lost for words. I will try my very best though.....  She has grown into the most gorgeous human being, caring, thoughtful, Hilarious, crazy & she has the most beautiful soul that you will ever meet. Life looks like it comes naturally to her. She makes Pappa G & I look so bloody great it's - crazy.  She gives everything her all, no matter what it is. She loves everyone & everything.  The word PROUD just doesn't seem to sum up how we feel, we are that and more (if that is at all possible).

We have loved watching you grow since you came into our lives and we are so looking forward to watching the next stage.  Just wish it would all slow down a bit hahahahaha.  You make our hearts sing with so much joy & happiness.

What a fabulous ride in life you have already been on,  so here is to the next crazy, wonderful adventure that you will go on and we know you will bring happiness & joy to whomever you meet.

When I grow up I really do want to be just like you.

Love you More than Mud gorgeous girl.

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