Sunday, April 13, 2014

Taipei - Sunday

Hot and sunny. 36c hot and sunny they reckon.  It was a slow start and everyone needed the sleepin.  Kai managed to ensure the family got value from the buffet breakfast ! Mr Butter Chicken has an appetite for hotel food .... And he found some new pets today that he wanted to bring home (not a chance matey).

The plan today was bikes down and along the river,  Confucious temple , some local food, see what happens this afternoon and then back to the hotel for a swim. Food tonight may well be from the night markets once we agree on which one - we were under the impression there was a couple of main ones but now we know of several smaller ones it could be fun to get off the beaten track.

The kids have been fantastic to have with the mandarin skills coming in handy many times already. Both Kai and Jenaya have been happy to step up and get talking when required. But so far everything we heard about the friendly and helpful locals has been 100 per cent correct with a few people jumping in to help us with taxis, the U bikes, and directions in general.  Makes for a great holiday.

Dinner was in a hotel reco Taiwanese Chinese restaurant complete with owner and Jacky Chan photos. Food was awesome

Here are some pics from the day ....

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