Wednesday, October 24, 2012

So The Old Girl

Has been a little slack on the up dates and for this I am truly sorry, but the good thing is I'm back and ready to up date you all.  He is just a taste of what is to come ; We have visitors - lots, Jenaya has been down to the Gold Coast for a West Ham Football Camp, We had visitors, we've been to Universal studio's, Garden's by the Bay,  We have had a few people drop in and apparently they still like us woot woot, we have been to Hong Kong, Jenaya had an operation on her wrist and boo hoo can't play football for 4 weeks, Jenaya and Kai are on school holidays (but only for another 2 days boo whoo). So lots has been going on, lots of fun has been had.

So here is a snap or 7 just to wet your appetite, until hopefully tomorrow, when Moi the old girl gets around to posting more on the goings on at Moose Manor........

1 comment:

david said...

Looks as if things are going off again at Moose Manor! Welcome back Mrs Moose.