Saturday, April 30, 2011

It's Sort Of A Secret

But I am hopeless with secrets - just remember that one and all.

Anywho back to the sort of secret thingy:- About two months ago we received our quarterly ANZA (Australian, New Zealand Association) magazine, I flicked through it, looking at all the pictures, this is what I always do, then sit down later when time is on my side and read the articles, well anywho later that evening when the old fella arrived home, with much excitement in his step - well more than usual, he flick's open the ANZA mag to "ANZA's Inaugural Volunteer of the Year Nomination's" scan the nominee's and who's name is on the list (drum roll please)

Marty Goodacre


Moving on we had a little bit of a laugh and maybe a small glass to celebrate the big fella's nomination and then studied the form guide of the rest of the pack.......

Well, think Moose is pretty happy that someone or some people think that all the time and effort that he puts in with the ANZA soccer he deserves to be nominated and he does.
Will he win, well the competition is tough but he gets to hob nob it with some very important people next month.....


1 comment:

david said...

Nice work Mooses!