Friday, May 23, 2008

About Last night....

What a way to spend a Thursday night. Some friends from school and myself have been attending cooking classes at a local lady- Vida's apartment here in Singapore. The idea is you pick out a menu that you would like to know how to cook and the lovely Vida teacher's you. Vida, discusses the menu and all the how, why and why not's of cooking the dishes, then we head off to the kitchen. She is a very patient lady, as we all turn up with our regulation bottle of wine and of course regulation chit chat. Anyway we had decided to go with a Thai menu last night, we started with Gai Tom Ka, then Pork Satay with Sauce and then Som Tam - Green Papaya Salad. I am still deciding which dish won the night, they, as usual, were all just sensation. Will the dishes ever be cooked outside of the class room, one will never know, will they taste that good if they do make it to the outside world, one will never know, but what a fantastic night, oh and the company wasn't half bad also.


david santos said...

Very nice... my friend, very nice...

I wish you many blessigs, love and happiness

david said...

Nice work! I hope that you remember my address when you are sending out the invitations :-)