Out loud then it isn't true.........
That is the theory that I have been sticking to since last Thursday the 13th January 2011 at 1.45pm. That's when I received the phone call that I had be dreading for about 4 weeks. On the other end was my bestie Francie, as always it was fantastic to hear from her, we had spoken on the phone, and skyped quiet a few times over Christmas and the new year. Francie and Jimmy had taken Absta and Izzie back to Melbourne for Christmas and now they were back home in Singapore.
Anywho back to that dreaded phone call - don't worry no one has died or even gotten hurt, the conversation was moving along very cheery and happy, then Francie said it "We have decided to move back to Melbourne"............... There was a pause maybe just a little longer than a pause, there was silence while we both composed ourselves.......
So there, I don't think I have said it out loud still, but I am afraid it is true, they leave the Sunday after Jenaya's birthday at this stage - They wanted to be here for Noodles 13th and then leave - what a bitter sweet weekend.
The O'Brien's have become such a huge part of our lives here in Singapore - Just like the Wong's did - remember they left this time last year. With both Marty and Jimmy doing lots of travel and working such long hours, Francie and I came to really depend at lot on each other, all our children get on so well, they are all the best of friends. We have leaned on each other, cried on each others shoulders - when life has gotten us down, laughed with each other until we have cried, had a few glasses of vino together oh ok maybe a few too many every now and again. We have seen families come and go, but we have always said that we would be here together until....... Well now it is until 30th January 2011.
We are going to miss them all, I really don't know how we are going to wave them good bye....

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