That's the best I can do, as to why I haven't blogged for a while. So here is a run sown of what we have been up to.
Jenaya is now coming to the end of week 6 (she thinks) of her summer school holidays and Kai is coming to the end of week 4 (I am pretty sure about this one) So they both have another 5 or is it 6 weeks left.... Anywho, as Jenaya said herself everyday just feels like Saturday - well it might to her and it might to Kai but me ahhhhhhh - I will get back to you.
Anyway back to what we have been up to, Jenaya and Kai have both been to summer camp at the Canadian school - Jenaya did 2 weeks - 1 week of explore Singapore - don't think she really found anything new that we haven't already seen - but she did have a good time, then she did a week of pottery - which she loved and I mean loved. Kai did only one week which he did ball madness - which if you know the boy he absolutely LOVED. It was all about balls what more can I say.
Then they have been swimming, cause as you know it's always summer here, sleeping over at friends places, going to the movies, playing soccer out on the road, drawing with chalk on the road, watching the world cup, picking mango's, walking Daisy, bike riding rip sticking, scooter riding, doing art work (fabulous paintings and I thought I was the only artistic one in the family) we have even managed to squeeze in a visit to the emergency room (with what we thought might have been a broken elbow, don't stress Grandma - it wasn't and we were going to tell you) - oh and the thing they both love shopping with me..... Well they probably don't love it that much. Anywho we have been busy.

So there your now up to date.
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