They say time flies when your having fun, well Club Moose must of been having loads of fun, as the last 5 days have just flown by. Dot's arrival on Thursday night was the start of it. We let her have a day of rest on Friday, well kind of. A day at the pool sounds pretty relaxing, it would have been except for the massive water fight we had with some friend of ours. Don't know who had more fun the kids or the grown-ups.....?or was it Dot with the lot...?
Then it was of to the East Coast for some Chilli Crab which by the way was sensational. We all needed an early night as Saturday we had lots planned. Dot loved the Botantical Gardens, we think she liked the Hawker food on Saturday night, we know she loved spending time with Jenaya and Kai. Sunday we had some friends over for a Lamb roast and an Easter egg hunt, which had to be completed fast before the eggs turned to liquid - mission was completed with all eggs in tacked. Monday took us to Singapore Zoo, which is always a great time. Then came Tuesday, off to Arab Street to hit the material shops and catch some of the great sights of Singapore. The end of her visit was approaching fast, did we have the energy to do anything else, the answer was YES. I always have energy for a quick shop down Orchard Road. Then came the end of her visit, as we waved her goodbye, sad to see her go, Club Moose let out a sigh, we had survived the Dot storm - just. Thanks for the visit Mum, bring on the next visitor's......
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