Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas from Hong Kong !!

Wishing you all a very Merry and Happy Christmas from the Moose clan in HK ....

there will be a few posts today and tomorrow but just to make sure you know we are all alive and kicking, Dot's having a great time and the kids are (and Nicole) are enjoying the day !!


We have a new home phone number finally ...
Nic can shoot that out on F/B if you don't have.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Hello Again

Once again, it has been a wee while since anyone has shown Club Moose any kind of love.  So here I am I'm back and I will try and catch you all up to what has been happening here at Planet Moose....

I will start with the stars of Moose Planet - Noodle & Monkey, Noodle Pop can be first off.......  Jenaya has had a super duper start at the new school here in Hong Kong, week 9 of the school year and Jenaya gets Athlete of the week at school YAY Noodle Pop. Off to Bangkok she goes with the U20 Soccer team from School for the SEASAC Tournament. Team didn't do so great, but Jenaya walked away with MVP award - YAY Noodle. She is also playing Football outside of school in a women's league, lucky her, her team Blake Garden's is made up of current Hong Kong National player's or ex national players. What an opportunity.

The above photo is of a friendly game Jenaya's team played against a men's team. See if you can find Noodle pop (hehehehehehe)

Now Kai boy, has started playing Rugby and is loving it. He has made the division 2 team U12 - wooo hoo, pretty good for his first season every of union. He is also playing U12 & U13 Soccer, he was selected to play for the U13 as their preferred goalie - he absolutely loves it - Mother is not so sure........

Here is Kai boy with the first silverware of the season YAY Kai. His team played their very first tournament and won wooo hoooo !!! He also scored 3 tries - Look out Wallabies !!!!

Now Me...... I have been out and about doing some hiking. Daisy and I hit the trial up to Hong Kong peak last Monday, the weather was just perfect and for Hong Kong the air quality was pretty good....

The views are just perfect, the stairs are not so much fun....... Bloody Daisy beats me every time hahahahahahaha

Oh One last thing look what the old fella has purchased...

And worn, on a field.........

Thursday, October 10, 2013

While We Were Away

We missed a Birthday - so a belated birthday wish to Mum G, Grandma. We hope you had a fabulous birthday and Grandad spoilt you rotten.

Sending lots of birthday wishes and lots of love xx

Then On Our Return.....

It was time to celebrate a up coming 21st Birthday........

Hip Hip Hoooorrrray Elise !!

What a day - we were a tad slow out of the blocks but once we got going, you couldn't stop us.

It started with a fun filled day at Ocean Park, then we picked up a small fury gift for the birthday girl - Patrick Panda, then out for a lovely dinner.

Thank you for coming to Hong Kong Elise, especially thank you for looking after Noodle & Monkey Boy. They absolutely loved spending time with their older cousin.

Love you Chickie Babe.

Just to Rub It In

Here are some more photo's from our Golden Ticket Tour...

Looking good Birthday Boy hehehehehe