For the trophy cabnet (well medal cabnet just doesn't have the same ring to it) anywho back to the story.......
Jenaya was selected to play in the ANZA (Austrailan, New Zealand Ass.) girls soccer team - now know as the Matilda's (original I know) anyway she accepted - she loves a good tournament our girl does. So the tournament was held last Saturday, they had to play 5 other all girl teams and basically win every game.
First game they were up against the highly thought of ISA Soccer academy - they drew with them - which was great as this was the first time the Matilda's had all played together so YAY, the next team were the Dutchies - the poor Dutchies, they had to borrow players from other teams just to take the field (mainly our team cause the girls love a good game of soccer) - they won. Next game would be their toughest opponets The German European School - now these girls are smokin hot - haven't seen them looooooooooose a tournament yet. YAY the Matilda's they beat them 2 -1 - What a exciting game - But the German school were still one point ahead of the girls so they had to win the last two matches to take home the cup..........
So the end os the story......... The Matilda's won the medal and the president of ANZA got to take home the cup...... YAY GIRLIES what a fantastic tournament......
So after the presentation they gentleman who was running it wanted to get a photo of all the girls in front of the offical sponser sign and he uttered these words:- Tall girls up the back and the pretty girls down the front - check out where Noodle is.......