I have a new toy, but right now I really can't work out whether I really like my new toy or it still has to grow on me.
After our trip back to Sydney - the one I think I told you about .... ? Mum's birthday and all..... ?
Anywho back to the new toy...... Up here in sunny Singapore it is pretty hard to get great bread, good bread or even
ok bread. After spending some time down in
Bomaderry with Mum & Dad G, oh and tasting the fantastic bread that Dad makes we decided, oh
ok, I decided that a bread maker would be a fantastic idea for us.
Make me laugh or make me cry I will bake perfect bread one day soon.......
So first lesson learnt, baking bread in hot humid condition's isn't that easy,
second: getting your hands on the correct ingredient's to make bread from scratch well that isn't easy either,
third: having patience still isn't one of my strong point's,
fourth: I need to work on getting lots more patience before I throw the bread maker oh and the fantastic instructions that come with it, into the canal (aka - our waterfront) out the front of our house.
On a more positive note - I did buy a sewing machine a little while ago and yesterday I made my first dress....... So the sewing machine stay's, the bread maker well......... Will let you all know in the near future.....