Only one more sleep to go until the young fella turns 8 !!!!!
So very Excited....Why I hear you ask
Why, cause they put on the world cup to help him celebrate his birthday, that's right, well that's what he is telling people and me do I really believe.....mmmmm I am impressed so WOW what great people they have working at FIFA.
So the questions are, will the balloon fairy come tonight ?
Will he get one of those bikes that he and Daddy have been checking out ?
Will he get a new nerf gun from Jenaya - so he can shoot her ?
Will Australia win the world Cup ?
So if they don't win, will the Brazilian team win ?
And if they don't win, will those crazy Von Dutchies win ? (that would make Aunty Francie very happy)
So many questions you will have to come back tomorrow to find out 3 answers and the rest will be answered in the next month....Bring on tomorrow - oh how will we all sleep tonight ??