or to see a man about a dog, but we already have a dog - so can't really use that one. I'm leaving on a jet plane, don't know when I'll be back again - well I do I will be back Saturday night... Is this making any sense ??
Monday, May 31, 2010
I'm Off To See The Wizzard
or to see a man about a dog, but we already have a dog - so can't really use that one. I'm leaving on a jet plane, don't know when I'll be back again - well I do I will be back Saturday night... Is this making any sense ??
Sunday, May 30, 2010
It's 30 minutes
Friday, May 28, 2010
You Just Have To Love
and I do mean LOVE a long weekend. Today is Vesak day, so yay for us we get a extra day added to the weekend. Well when I say us, I really mean Jenaya & Kai, and I guess me. As you all know I am always on holidays so........ YAY
How are we celebrating Vesak Day ? Well as we like to do, celebrate, think we have proven this before on a couple of occasions. Back to how.... well we are having some friends over for a play, so.......YAY
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Ahhhhhhhh Bali
Monday, May 10, 2010
We Are Going Back

Back ? Back to Bali and yeahhhhhhhh.
We are off and we are very excited - well I am oh and so are the rest of the Moose's. A much needed brake for us all.
Marty needs to get away from work and me, well I need to get off this tiny little island that we call home or as you all know it Singapore. Jenaya & Kai just need to feel the sand between their toes and the saltwater on their skin - sound's good doesn't it.
Bags are nearly packed (still have tomorrow) surf board it wrapped and ready, passports are on the table, we are good to go. So we head off Wednesday for 5 wonderful, fun filled, surf filled relaxing days - bring it on.
Friday, May 7, 2010
Daisy Is Growing Up
We Would Like You All
To meet the latest addition to The Moose Family, well we have had him/her (don't think its a her as he is way too ugly) Freddie the Frog (formally know as Todd the Tadpole).
Our very own Kai James won him, well helped someone win him, - who in their right mind would enter a competition, answer questions do anything to win a tadpole ?
Answer : Ysoble & Kai
Kai and his year 2 class went on an excursion about 6, maybe 7 weeks ago to the Kranji Countryside - they got to visit a goat farm, a veggie farm and then lucky lucky them they got to visit a frog farm that would be an American Bull Frog farm to be exact. So in the weeks leading up to the excursion, knowing that he was going to be at the frog farm, Kai borrowed every book imaginable from the school library about frog's. He read them, he showed us pictures, he told us fact's about them, like did you know the American bull frog has one of the most sensitive snouts amongst frogs - WOW, I can just hear you saying.
Anywho, all his hard work did pay off. The day of the excursion just happened to be Ysobel's birthday, the story goes like this. They arrived at the frog farm and did the tour, they lady showed them all the awesome (Kai's word not mine) frog's, we even got to hold one, yipee I say. So at the end of the tour the lady says I have some tadpoles here, I will ask question's you get them right yipeeee you get 2 tadpole's. Like I said it was Ysobel's birthday and apparently giving her the correct answer to the question about frogs/tadpole's would make her day ? What the.... So our little man whispers the right answer in her ear, her hand goes up and yipeeeeeee she gets it right. She thanks Kai very much, but decides a thank you isn't enough - they should split the bootie that she has just won.
Hence we now have an American Bull Frog, another fact and this will make you all say y i p e e they grow to 25-30cm in length. Looking forward to that......
So Freddie is going strong, but sadly Ysobel's tadpole (didn't even get a chance to make the frog stage - well maybe it has) well got flushed, flushed alive much to Ysobel & Kai's horror.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
YAY YAY You Know We Love

A birthday and today is my sister's birthday Donna - well she isn't my sister sister she in my in-law sister, but just like a sister except we don't fight and she is a great great girl.
So Donna we hope you have a fantastic day may it be as special as you are to our family, thanks for choosing Craig he is one lucky man.
Lots of love The Moose's xxxx
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Nothing Like A Tea Party

to end the weekend.
After a fun filled weekend, Jenaya & Kai decided that a tea party, well not exactly a tea party - a hot chocolate party - doesn't sound the same but we think taste's better. Anywho, we jumped on the phone and invited our very very good friends over, Abbey & Ysobel. Part of the deal though was that Noodle, Kai, Absta & Izzy all had to help bake everything that they wanted to eat....
Well they formed teams - Team One well this team contained the sensible children (well most of the time) Noodle & the Absta, they decided that scones would be their choice, with warm strawberries and cream (not that either of them liked cream ??) of to work they went.
Team Two - this would more commonly be known us the not so sensible team, made up of Monkey Boy & Izzy - the party girl, their choice lemon cupcakes with blue & green icing some with sprinkles some with out ummmmmm.
Then there was the dark horse team - Team Mum, my choice pikelet's with fresh strawberries and cream.
The kitchen was buzzing, there was flour flying (and I do mean flying) everywhere, eggs being cracked, sugar being measured, spoons being licked. The first in the oven was the scones, while they were cooking a mean game of handball was taking place in the back yard - Moose being the umpire, that went well. He had no control of the game at all. Back to the kitchen, the scones were cooked, the first lot of cup cakes went in. The icing need to be made for the cupcakes but hence team two (the not so sensible ones) had gone missing - something about in Kai's room playing his drum's - were is the commitment ?? Lucky the sensible team stepped up the green icing was made and on the cakes. They looked delicious...... the crazy ones did return to the kitchen just in time to do their blue icing with sprinkles. The scones, the cupcakes, the pikelet's & the hot chocolate's (2 with whipped cream, 2 without), well not really hot hot, maybe just warm - remember where we live, anywho all was ready let the afternoon tea begin.
We all had such a fun afternoon, so much food so little time and I think all the sugar has only just worn off.
Monday, May 3, 2010
You Do See Some Strange Things
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