She is Dot with the Lot......
Why does time fly when your having fun ??
Why does a beautiful lady who is nearly twice my age out last me ?
Why when she leaves us we feel so very sad ?
Why when she leaves us we are wrecked ?
Why are we wrecked ? Why..... cause she is Dot with the Lot and she can go and go and go.....
She loves to shop, she loves to chat,she loves a wine and she love her grandchildren so very much, even when they are beating (whooping) her at monopoly (Kai would like the record to show 3 times - oh don't tell Nanny that you know that)
She loves to play, she loves a little sing-a-long and a jig every now and again and now she loves a little caramel fluffy thing - called Daisy...Oh and Daisy loves her toooooooes.
We had fun, so much fun, is so very hard and sad to let her go, but we know Craig, Donna, Nat and Aaron will have missed her so, so we sent her on her way with a hug, a kiss and a sniff (a few tears did flow) off she went still with a spring in her step... We loved your visit Nanny so very much and can't wait till we see you again, why, cause we love you so.......
So tonight our home is quiet - but you will be happy to know, there is game of Monopoly happening while a storm bubbles above," the heavens aren't happy Mum", Jenaya & Kai say.... Why ? well it's because Singapore is sad cause Nanny had to go.
Thanks for coming so very much, not long now and we will be seeing you for a birthday lunch.
Love you Nanny, Love you Mum, Love you Dot with the lot you make life well you make life just plain good fun.