Boo Who, Boo Who,
We've got the post holiday blues,
Don't feel sad,
Or then you'll feel mad,
Mad that the Moose's
Have made you feel sad.
We had a great time,
We drank, we ate
then we got the sign....
What sign I hear you say
Well the one that says that you have had a way too good a time
Christmas day came and went,
Then a rest day was sent,
Cause Christmas day came again,
So we ate some more and guess what, we even drank some more again.
You know the Moose's can't say no,
But I'm sure we would if there was snow.
Presents were opened
with a rip and tear
Then champagne was opened with a pop and a pear ?
We Cheers, we toasted
Then all of a sudden the turkey was roasted.
So off to the coast we went,
For a week of fun just laying in the sun,
We thanked the big fella for the weather that he sent,
Surfing, digging, fishing gosh we had some fun.
Boo Who Boo Who, really the fun wasn't over
We just changed locations,
Off to the folks to do it all over red rover.
We drank, we ate,
Sounding way too familiar,
Don't you think ?
This is where it starts to stink......
It was now time to leave,
Time to try and squeeze all our goodies into just three bags.
We packed, we fold, we stuff and we squeeze
Guess what we really need another 4 bags, gosh we're dags.
So off to the airport with tears in our eyes,
Memories in our hearts,
Then a huge sigh,
Boo Who Boo Who
Now you can see why we are all so sad
But wait we will be back home real soon.
Back to our home,
Back to our beds,
So no, we can't moan
Cause we have all those great memories in our heads.
Thank you Mum,
You always make the days so much fun,
Grandma and Grandad you fuss over us and then some,
We won't complain, you know that cause we always come..........back.
So Boo Who, BOOO WHOOO we really and truly have the post holiday blues.