Thursday, December 17, 2009
So Now the Beauty....
And that beauty would be one of our many many beautiful niece's Lauren. Lauren is turning 7 and by the sound of it has been party for quite a few days now (a girl after my own heart). So another HUGE birthday wish is being sent to you and we hope you enjoy the rest of you very special day and don't eat too much of that chocolate mud birthday cake.
We hope your birthday wishes and dreams come true. See you very soon
Lots of love
The Moose's xxxx
P.S Sorry no photo same as year promise
Age Before Beauty
As they say....... So here is a HUGE birthday wish for our wonderful nephew Nathan, Nat, Nat the rat who today turns 15...... Still remember when you were born, you arrived into our world with a beautiful soul and still today it is intact. You are such a special young man and we love and miss you so very much. So Nat Happy birthday glad your getting older and we not.
See you very soon.
The Moose family
More Photo's of the New Abode....
Monday, December 14, 2009
While The Circus Was In Town

we also had some other visitors..... Grandma & Grandad were brave enough to come to visit while the circus was here. Once again lots & lots of fun was had. We had decided that while Grandma & Grandad were here we would have a belated 70th Birthday party for Grandma, boy did we party, we had balloons, lots of food, party games, lots of friends, lots of toasting the birthday girl and lots of fun Oh and lots of presents, Grandma looked like she had a great day, we wore Grandad out, but after a good nights sleep they were ready to rock & roll again.
So we went, we saw, we did, they roamed, they toured, they walked, they snapped photos, Grandad even got to see Kai play a game of soccer and win the team trophey.
Then the time had come to wave goodbye, with a tears in our eyes we did just that and off they sailed into the sunset, well no sunset cause it was raining when they left but you get the picture ??
So by now The Moose's were all partied out and visitored (don't think that's a really word, but it is a Nic word ok) out, it was time to go home to a very quiet house and regather ourselves for the silly season. Thank you for visiting we all have a wonderful time and we hope you both enjoyed yourselves as much as we did and we will see you in 2 weeks time again.
So We Moved One Sunday
and the next Sunday the circus came to town and they stayed with us. When I say circus I do mean it in the most loving way that you possible can. Our very, very very good friends The Hargrave's popped on up to see us for 10 days. For those of you who don't know, never meet the Hargrave's would be wondering why we call them the circus, well let me just tell you a story or two. The first one is the one when they first arrived in this fine city of ours, after proceeding through customs on arrival they walk straight out the security doors to be greeted by my good self, but hey they have forgotten something, maybe a thing or their luggage yes their luggage all four bags are inside customs and they are outside with me hehehehehehehe, Hence the circus has arrived and the stories only get better, like the one where Dave got lost in a very large shopping centre for 1 1/2 hours, this story only ended in tears well not quiet but he nearly did die at the hands of his beloved hehehehehe. Anyway we all had a FANTASTIC time with them, we even squeezed in a trip to Phuket for a couple of days, so we then had the travelling circus. Thanks so much for swinging by and checking out the new pad and we know we will see you all again for the return tour and we just can not wait.
Well, It has been a While
just a little while well maybe a month or two or was it three, since we last blogged, but hey we have been busy, very very busy. The Moose's have moved and how happy are we.... Very very happy. We decided it was time to get some space and that's what we have done. We have lots of space and our very own pool. Jenaya & Kai have a dead end street to bike ride, scooter ride, skateboard and kick a soccer ball around and how happy are they extremely happy. So I think you might get it by now, we are happy happy happy yeahhhhhh.
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