one baby tooth, that's right Kai has "finally" lost his first tooth. Kai went to school yesterday with all his little pearlie whites in tact and came home with one less. How excited can one young man be - well let me tell you VERY. While munching away on his apple yesterday bingo the little sucker popped out (well got stuck in his apple) the best part, well one of the best parts, it wasn't even loose - go figure. The other bestest part of it all, Kai is now rich....of course the Tooth Fairy fluttered her sparkly wings and landed in monkey boys room last night and left a whooping $2.00. Oh another great part of this story is, now the tooth beside the missing one is loose.....YEAHHHHHH the Tooth Fairy might be making another visit to Moose Manor... So now we have our very own toothless terror.