Thursday, December 17, 2009
So Now the Beauty....
And that beauty would be one of our many many beautiful niece's Lauren. Lauren is turning 7 and by the sound of it has been party for quite a few days now (a girl after my own heart). So another HUGE birthday wish is being sent to you and we hope you enjoy the rest of you very special day and don't eat too much of that chocolate mud birthday cake.
We hope your birthday wishes and dreams come true. See you very soon
Lots of love
The Moose's xxxx
P.S Sorry no photo same as year promise
Age Before Beauty
As they say....... So here is a HUGE birthday wish for our wonderful nephew Nathan, Nat, Nat the rat who today turns 15...... Still remember when you were born, you arrived into our world with a beautiful soul and still today it is intact. You are such a special young man and we love and miss you so very much. So Nat Happy birthday glad your getting older and we not.
See you very soon.
The Moose family
More Photo's of the New Abode....
Monday, December 14, 2009
While The Circus Was In Town

we also had some other visitors..... Grandma & Grandad were brave enough to come to visit while the circus was here. Once again lots & lots of fun was had. We had decided that while Grandma & Grandad were here we would have a belated 70th Birthday party for Grandma, boy did we party, we had balloons, lots of food, party games, lots of friends, lots of toasting the birthday girl and lots of fun Oh and lots of presents, Grandma looked like she had a great day, we wore Grandad out, but after a good nights sleep they were ready to rock & roll again.
So we went, we saw, we did, they roamed, they toured, they walked, they snapped photos, Grandad even got to see Kai play a game of soccer and win the team trophey.
Then the time had come to wave goodbye, with a tears in our eyes we did just that and off they sailed into the sunset, well no sunset cause it was raining when they left but you get the picture ??
So by now The Moose's were all partied out and visitored (don't think that's a really word, but it is a Nic word ok) out, it was time to go home to a very quiet house and regather ourselves for the silly season. Thank you for visiting we all have a wonderful time and we hope you both enjoyed yourselves as much as we did and we will see you in 2 weeks time again.
So We Moved One Sunday
and the next Sunday the circus came to town and they stayed with us. When I say circus I do mean it in the most loving way that you possible can. Our very, very very good friends The Hargrave's popped on up to see us for 10 days. For those of you who don't know, never meet the Hargrave's would be wondering why we call them the circus, well let me just tell you a story or two. The first one is the one when they first arrived in this fine city of ours, after proceeding through customs on arrival they walk straight out the security doors to be greeted by my good self, but hey they have forgotten something, maybe a thing or their luggage yes their luggage all four bags are inside customs and they are outside with me hehehehehehehe, Hence the circus has arrived and the stories only get better, like the one where Dave got lost in a very large shopping centre for 1 1/2 hours, this story only ended in tears well not quiet but he nearly did die at the hands of his beloved hehehehehe. Anyway we all had a FANTASTIC time with them, we even squeezed in a trip to Phuket for a couple of days, so we then had the travelling circus. Thanks so much for swinging by and checking out the new pad and we know we will see you all again for the return tour and we just can not wait.
Well, It has been a While
just a little while well maybe a month or two or was it three, since we last blogged, but hey we have been busy, very very busy. The Moose's have moved and how happy are we.... Very very happy. We decided it was time to get some space and that's what we have done. We have lots of space and our very own pool. Jenaya & Kai have a dead end street to bike ride, scooter ride, skateboard and kick a soccer ball around and how happy are they extremely happy. So I think you might get it by now, we are happy happy happy yeahhhhhh.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Milo Came to Our House....
On Sunday we were lucky enough to do a day of dog sitting for friends of ours. They have just taken delivery of 13 week old Milo, who has come all the way from Melbourne. He is soooooo cute. Jenaya and Kai did a great job of looking after little Milo. They walked, they feed, they tried to teach him how to fetch, oh and the most important thing, they cleaned up after him..... It is great practise for when our puppy arrives hopefully early next year.
Thanks for coming to our place to play Milo we all had so much fun.
Thanks Fran, Jimmy, Abbey & Ysobel for letting him come over for the day....
Love Milo's Fan Club
Jenaya & Kai xxxx
Sunday, October 4, 2009
We Love Having Visitors....
Thanks for dropping by on your way home Beach, it was so great to catch up with you. It has been a while between drinks for us. It was wonderful to show you our new home, hopefully it will make you and Catherine want to come back to Singapore for a short brake again very soon. Come to think of it, it actually might be our turn to visit you both, Two Hamilton's in one year, must call for Four Moose's to drop by Zurich some time soon.
Thank you also for all our beautiful gifts, you and Catherine really do spoil us Moose's. A huge thank you for my flowers, you really didn't need to, but thank you.
Hopefully it won't be so long between drinks this time.
Love and Kisses to you both.
Club Moose xxxxx
Thank you also for all our beautiful gifts, you and Catherine really do spoil us Moose's. A huge thank you for my flowers, you really didn't need to, but thank you.
Hopefully it won't be so long between drinks this time.
Love and Kisses to you both.
Club Moose xxxxx
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Hip Hip Hooray Hip Hooray.....

So we would love to say...
Hip Hip Hooray it's a very happy day
Hip Hip Hooray lets party today
Lets Celebrate in a fun way
With balloons, champagne, you won't even have to pay
We will laugh, we will sing
We will do lots of funny thing....s
We hope you have a fun day
We would love to be there to play
So just remember we love you lots
Even though we are covered in birthday spots......
Hip Hip Hooray we really do hope you have a fun day.
With love and kisses
We know you must miss us
But it won't be long
and you will hear our song.
Love Always
Martin, Nicole, Jenaya & Kai xxxx
Monday, September 21, 2009
Only One Sleep To Go......
Until our very special visitor arrives.......Yeah ....
We are very and I mean very very excited. How on earth will we sleep tonight, Oh Beachball really hope your as excited as we are...... If your not just act like you are, we will never tell.
We will be at the airport waiting for you and you won't miss us hahahahahaha.
See you soon.
We are very and I mean very very excited. How on earth will we sleep tonight, Oh Beachball really hope your as excited as we are...... If your not just act like you are, we will never tell.
We will be at the airport waiting for you and you won't miss us hahahahahaha.
See you soon.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
We're Not Afraid......
Well not that afraid, But I know one thing that we really are, we are very very very excited.
And guess what there is only 3 sleeps to go.......
And guess what there is only 3 sleeps to go.......
Friday, September 18, 2009
Birthdays Birthdays Everywhere...

Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to youuuuu
Happy Birthday dear the lovely, the beautiful, the gorgeous CATHERINE.....
Happy Birthday to you...
We hope you have a fabulous day and hopefully we will get the time difference right and we won't wake you with our delightful voices later.
Have a super duper day.
Love The Moose's xxxx
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Oh We Missed it.....

Missed what....Well we missed Club Moose blog spot anniversary DOH. It was 12 months and one day ago that this fantastic, wonderful all informing blog spot was started. Maybe that's why Moose was out last night, maybe he remembered and went out celebrating with out me ahhhhhh. Anyway, we've, well I've been doing this for 12 months with I'm sure many more months to come or go what would it be..... Happy Anniversary to us Yeah......
Friday, September 11, 2009
We Have The Balloons Ready

They say age before beauty, so sorry Beach that means your birthday wish Will be first, not that your not a beauty, no no no you are the most gorgeous man over 42 that I have ever met. Well anywho back to the birthday wish, Beachball we hope you have a fantastic day and we know that you will be having a hoot with your family, down in Sydney, we can't wait for your arrival up here in Singapore and guess what we will do it all again. The balloons, the singing the champagne and anything else we need to do to celebrate. Can't wait. Have a very happy birthday good looking older man.
Now to our beauty.....Well handsome, very handsome younger man Timmy who is turning the ripe old age of 11. Tim, we hope you have a fantastic 11th birthday. We are looking forward to your visit too. There will also be singing, balloons and champagne the first two will be for you and the champagne will be for your Mum and Me. Happy birthday Tim, we hope your day is fun filled.
To our birthday boys, we love you both very much and we hope that both your days are as special as you both are...(that is very touching if I must say so myself).
Love The Moose's xxxx
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Grandad is having a Birthday

So we hope you have a fantastic day Grandad where ever you are and we are sure that you are waiting with baited breath for the Von Goodacre's to brake into one of their favourite songs........ I think we all know how it goes.
Love and Moose Kisses to you on your Birthday.
We love you lots Grandad.
Jenaya, Kai, Marty and Nic xxxxx
Monday, August 31, 2009
This was no time for play.
This was no time for games.
There was work to be done.
All that deep,
Deep, deep snow,
All that snow had to go.
When our mother went down to the town for the day,
She said, " Somebody has to clean this all away.
Somebody, SOMEBODY, has to, you see."
Then she picked out two Somebodies.
Sally and me.
There we were.
We were working like that
And then who should come up
Book week at Avondale (Kai's school) has been and gone. To end the actioned packed week they have a dress as your favourite character from your favourite book. Kai loves Dr.Seuss books, so who better than Cat in the Hat. It was a great parade, everyone was dressed up, so fun was had by all, Kai even won best dressed for year one......But Thing Two did award him the prize ?????
Look Out Canadian School.....
She has made so proud how she has grabbed another change in her life with both hands and a smile on her face and gone for it. We know that you will have a fantastic time at CIS, learning, meeting and trying some new and exciting things. Enjoy every minute.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Everyone loves a surprise

well you hope so..... Last night Moose jumped on a plane and headed down south to the sunny shores of Australia, why I hear you ask, well to join in the celebrations for Paul's 40th Birthday.
Oh like I said a couple of weeks ago the Moose family loves to celebrate, well I think this shows our commitment and how far we will go to help celebrate for someone. I know Paul will be surprised, very......
Moose left last night and will return back to the Moose family tomorrow night. I am very sure right now Marty, Paul and Steve are having the time of their lives. Moose you know I think your the best husband, Jenaya and Kai know your the greatest dad and right now I am pretty sure Paul will think that your a pretty fine brother. Your the bestest....
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Paul is Joining "THE CLUB"

Do you get a card...yes, lots cause it's your birthday, do you get a free drink voucher - well you should...cause it's your birthday. Do you get waited on hand and foot - well Derrrrrr It's Your BIRTHDAY.
Paul we hope you have a fantastic birthday and you enjoy "The Club".
Hopefully we will talk to you later in the day - have a good one...YOUNG man.
Lots of Love Marty, Nic (non-club members) Jenaya and Kai xxxx
Friday, August 7, 2009
You Know We Love

As you all know the Moose's love to help celebrate birthday's, well actually we love celebrating basically anything. Anywho back to Kim our Birthday Princess ..... Kim we hope you have a fantastic birthday and we know you will get spoilt as you truly deserve and we will celebrate tomorrow afternoon - oh it won't be a late one hahahahahahaha......
Thanks for being such a fantastic friend and a great "Aunty" to Jenaya and Kai. We love you birthday girl... Cheers
Love The Moose's xxxx

Wednesday, August 5, 2009
You Gotta Love Wednesday's

On the news front we got some very exciting and I mean very exciting news and I have forgotten to pass this news onto you all......drum roll please
Grandma and Grandad are heading up our way in November for a visit. Itineraries are already being worked out Jenaya and Kai style - Grandma & Grandad better be well rested,. So yes we are, all of us very excited.
Before they arrive we have a feast of family and friends dropping by sunny Singapore - we love visitors....So look out anyone else that is heading our way - Jenaya and Kai need to test run the itinerary.....
P.S Forgot to mention to all those beer loving people today is International Beer Day..Cheers
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Nothing Really to Say

except that I have finally worked out how to tweak photo's on my computer...... I know I know a little slow on the uptake... So anywho, this is my first photo that I have made a few changes to.
We met this little girl when we were in Bali. Her mother was working at the villa that we stayed at. She was such a sweat thing and loved having her photo taken, except she was hard to keep still. She also loved seeing herself on my camera screen, she is just beautiful.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
What An Action

packed week we have had this week. It all kicked off on Sunday, when we waved a sad goodbye to Nanny. We then had 5 hours rest and we were off to the football to watch Liverpool and Singapore's national team play. What a great (but strange) night, Kai was in boy heaven.
Monday came a little too quickly for the youngest man of the family and back to school after 4 weeks off. Happy to say he did go with a spring in his step - which is always good.
Jenaya on the other hand still has another 3 weeks to go - so what to do ??? How bout a 20km bike ride on the East Coast to start the week off - Fantastic idea. Shame we didn't listen to the weather report that morning, we got caught in a storm, a storm from was still had, we must of had fun cause we went back again 2 days later, but this time we decided 20km's wasn't enough lets go further, so 32kms later that idea didn't seem that great.....
Happy to say no storm this day and we did survive it - just and looks like we will go back next week to do it all over again......Can girls enter the Tour de France ????
Nothing Like a Game of Monopoly

to pep the old Moose up. A couple of Sundays ago, when his favorite mother-in-law was in town, Moose had had a bad day in the office, on his return home the family was setting up Monopoly and I must say setting it up with much excitement, both the Junior moose's wanted to wipe the floor with Nanny and Mum......but in walks the big fella......tired.....grumpy...and looking for trouble, but instead he got Monopoly.
I warned the kiddies don't let him play this, this is what he does everyday, he'll wipe as all...But no do junior moose's ever listen to their mother when it concerns their daddy.......NOOOOOOOOO. Anywho moral of the story....Monopoly does pep a tired, grumpy moose up. So on your travels you come across a tired, grumpy moose play monopoly with it it sure does make them friendlier.
P.S. Kai came second, Jenaya third, Me fourth and Nanny fifth, oh and Moose's don't feel bad at all even when they clean their FAVORITE mother-in-law out....
Monday, July 27, 2009
This Was Bowling and there were rules.....

not many though......
Rule No. 1 Wear those groovy bowling shoes
Rule No. 2 Sledge as much as you like (Team Moose was very good at this)
Rule No. 3 Make new rules up as the game progresses....Always a good rule
Rule No. 4 The family with the most points Win's....
Yeah Team Moose........ We were on fire, just ask the O'Brien Family and Buffet Boys Klan....
Smokin hot Team Moose.........
Rule No. 5 Always be a good sport !!!
Oh not really a rule, but......Winners are Grinners....
Friday, July 10, 2009
Another Day Another Birthday.....
And we love birthday's, cause we get to sing....YEAHHHH
A MASSIVE HAPPY BIRTHDAY wish for Isabelle.....
Isabelle, we hope you have a wonderful birthday and hopefully you will get more than a fish with a pink bow on it..... hehehehehehe
Have a great day and we know that you will be very excited cause we will be singing to you later our favourite birthday tune......
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to youuuuuu
Happy birthday dear I S A B E L L EEEEEEEE
Happy birthday to youuuuuuuuu
Love and lots of kisses the Von Goodacre's
Uncle Marty, Aunty Nic, Jenaya and Kai xxxx
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Post Bali Blues

That's what I have. We have been home for nearly a week and I am still suffering and suffering bad - boo whoo. Anywho let me tell you all things good about Ulluwatu, first there was the fantastic villa we stayed at, then there was the weather - just perfect (very low humidity), the company - what a hoot, the beaches wow !! oh getting around the island on scooters the kids loved this (born to be wild) oh can't forget the surf, apparently it was totally wicked. So as you probable guessed we had a great time plans are already on the go for our return, Moose says sometime soon - giddy up - man o man I love him. So, now about the post card thing - none were sent as we where way too busy, swimming, eating, riding, surfing etc so sorry. One last thing just a little travel advise, when going to Bali and you are there for a week that is actually 8 days not 7, customs don't like it when you do it wrong.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009

We hope you have a very happy birthday, full of fairies, sparkles and chocolate cake.
Happy birthday to you.....
Happy birthday to you....
Happy birthday dear Abigail
Happy birthday to youuuuuuuuu....
Have a fantastic day and hopefully we will sing to you later in the day.
Lots of love Uncle Marty, Aunty Nic, Jenaya and Kai xxxx
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Well it's

6.20am and the kids have already been awake for about an hour - why and why am I awake (can't work that one out) back to the kiddies, I think they just want to be organised for our holiday to BALI yeaaaaaahhhhhh or they're just very excited ?? don't know about you but I would probable swing towards the excited thing. So, our flight leaves at 9.55am and we arrive in Bali at 12 something don't really remember that part, not really that important. Anywho we are heading over there with some really great friend's, The Herrmann Family and what fun we are planning to have, so if your lucky and if we have time you might get a postcard, but if one doesn't arrive your end and one doesn't leave our end just pretend that this is it. Oh and pretend that the above photo is in Bali it will add to the whole post card experience.
Dear (just put your name here),
Weathers great, food is sensational, our villa is just perfect, seen lots of cool stuff, shopping is good.
Having a great time and wish you were here.
Lots of love Marty, Nic, Jenaya and Kai xxxxx
Dear (just put your name here),
Weathers great, food is sensational, our villa is just perfect, seen lots of cool stuff, shopping is good.
Having a great time and wish you were here.
Lots of love Marty, Nic, Jenaya and Kai xxxxx
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Monkey Boy is turning 7

Our beautiful, crazy, kind, loving, football mad little man is turning 7.
The time has flown, your funny, full of energy no matter what time of the day it is, there's never a dull momens with you, you make us laugh and you sometimes make us mad, but you always make life interesting.
We hope you have the bestest 7th birthday that you could ever wish for. We all love you so very much and I really do hope that you never stop holding my hand - like you promised.
Happy 7th birthday Monkey - Love you more than Mud or Boats.
Daddy, Mummy and your favourite person in the world Naya Noodle xxxx
Thursday, May 28, 2009

one baby tooth, that's right Kai has "finally" lost his first tooth. Kai went to school yesterday with all his little pearlie whites in tact and came home with one less. How excited can one young man be - well let me tell you VERY. While munching away on his apple yesterday bingo the little sucker popped out (well got stuck in his apple) the best part, well one of the best parts, it wasn't even loose - go figure. The other bestest part of it all, Kai is now rich....of course the Tooth Fairy fluttered her sparkly wings and landed in monkey boys room last night and left a whooping $2.00. Oh another great part of this story is, now the tooth beside the missing one is loose.....YEAHHHHHH the Tooth Fairy might be making another visit to Moose Manor... So now we have our very own toothless terror.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
It Has Been a While
Monday, April 27, 2009
Nothing Better Than

playing football in 38 degrees heat just ask Noodle, cause that's what she did all weekend. Over the weekend there was a soccer tournament in town, with teams coming from everywhere, local football clubs, teams from Malaysia, Shanghai. Noodle was in the flying bombers - this being a 2 teams from our local competition mixed - The Bombers (her Team) and The Flyers. The tournament started 8.30 Saturday morning, with the kids playing 5 games and getting home at 6pm then back on Sunday at 10 am to play a further 3. The Flying Bombers had a great tournament finishing 3rd out of 16 teams. All the team looked like they had a great time, but all very hot and tired by the end of it. Poor Noodles feet and legs today are very sore and tired, as they should be with the amount of running and kicking she did - Great work Noodle you are the bestest.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
We got Wonged.......

nothing worse than being Wonged......After 2 fantastic weeks visiting family and friends down in Australia we arrived home and to our surprise The Wong's had Wonged us. There really isn't anything wrong with being Wonged, it actually feels pretty nice and you always have a smile on your dial and it's nice to be missed.
Anywho, our trip down to Oz was lots of fun, it was great to catch up with so many friends and as always it's great to see family. We were very lucky on this trip, friends that live away were all home for Easter and family that live all over the place all headed home too. So lots of eating, drinking and chatting - what fun was had by all the Moose's. Kai even managed to squeeze in a game of footbal with his old team and scored 2 goals, like I said what fun was had.
As always though, doesn't matter where you live or where you've been it's always nice to come home.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Trophy's Trophy's

everywhere. Last Saturday saw Jenaya and Kai's football season come to an end and there were trophy's galore. Kai was first up, everyone who play's in the under 7's receives one, does not get much better than that for a young man. Then Jenaya, Jenaya's team had started off very slowly, a lot of new players, a new coach, a bigger field, it was a up hill battle, but in the end they started to beat the top teams and finishing last was a distant memory. What a season Noodle had, the team ended up finishing 4th (fantastic achievement) , so trophy's all round for the team, then the big one for Noodle - "Most Improved Player". I don't know who was more excited Jenaya or Moose.....No it was Jenaya, Marty and I were and are so proud of Jenaya she had a fantastic football season, she got to hang out with some really nice young boys who treated her with respect and treated her as one of them, a fantastic coach, very very supportive spectators. GREAT WORK JENAYA and KAI.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Happy Birthday to.....

Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to Ysobel
Happy Birthday to youuuuuuuu.
We know you had a great 7th birthday cause we were there to help you celebrate. What fun was had by all the little fairies and all those pirates. Pass the parcel, musical statues, musical chairs and pin the wand on the fairy are just some of the fun games we played - what a party, what a great job Jenaya and Abbey did keeping all those little people under control, there is a future business for you two beautiful girls.
So one last time Ysobel HAPPY BIRTHDAY.
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to Ysobel
Happy Birthday to youuuuuuuu.
We know you had a great 7th birthday cause we were there to help you celebrate. What fun was had by all the little fairies and all those pirates. Pass the parcel, musical statues, musical chairs and pin the wand on the fairy are just some of the fun games we played - what a party, what a great job Jenaya and Abbey did keeping all those little people under control, there is a future business for you two beautiful girls.
So one last time Ysobel HAPPY BIRTHDAY.
Lots of Love The Moose Family xx
Thursday, March 12, 2009
We Survived

But only just......What a frenzy Catherine's visit was, the pace was set very early and I really don't think it slowed down until Tuesday at about 10pm when we dropped Catherine at the airport. We had a list of meals that we had to get through before we put her back on the plane - I am happy to say we did accomplish this, from Dim Sum to Laksa to hawker food, to a duck noodle soup, we even squeezed in a chilli crab feast (with dumplings of course), we were on fire.
Back to normal today (well as normal as I'm going to be), I have a food hang over and probable don't need to eat again until we get to Grandma's and Grandad's for our Easter Sunday roast....(hint hint Grandma).
Back to the visit, it was fantastic Catherine, we hope you enjoyed your time with us, cause we certainly did (Maybe not that Tuesday morning hang over though). Thank you so much for stopping by, next time we will come to you.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Only 2 More Sleeps

Until Catherine arrives......Boy oh Boy there is much excitement in the Moose household. The place is buzzing, itineraries are being drawn up, meals are being planned, Jenaya and Kai are fast talking their way into a day off school so they can show Catherine around the Zoo. Early to bed for us all so we are well prepared for the 4 days of fun. It always is great to have visitors, but we haven't seen Catherine for 4 maybe 5 years it seems like forever, just a shame Beach isn't coming too - maybe next time?. So as you can guess we are all very excited, can't wait actually, so look out Catherine. You won't miss the Moose family at the airport, (moose's always stand out in a crowd) we all will be there waiting, waiting, waiting....See you soon.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Another New toy

and it's mine (it was mine last time too) whoops... Anyway I have a new toy and it goes with my last new toy......For my birthday my fantastic husband gave me a new lens for my camera. What a difference it has made to my photo's and boy have I been taking photo's, yesterday alone I took 98, but I was at Jenaya and Kai's sports carnival. Anyway the difference in the quality of the photo's is just fantastic (well I think so), so me being such a sharing person I thought I would share some new photo's with you all (specially you Beach). With me starting a photography course in May they can only get better, can't wait. I might have finally worked what I am going to do when I grow up - Moose will be happy.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Apparently 41 is over the HILL.......

so all I can say is, lucky I am only 39. I am sure some will be sitting there reading this with amazement. Well, this year I decided that we will start a new tradition (only for the ladies) once you reach the wonderful age of 40 and I have enjoyed being this age - shame it only lasted one year - bummer. Anywho, back to the new tradition, when you hit 40 you then start to go back down the ladder. So here we are, my 39th birthday again. I must say turning 39 for the second time is (as they say) a charm . I enjoyed being 40 but boy I really am going to enjoy turning 39. Thank you to all who rang, sang, sent birthday wishes, very much appreciate and to my two besties here in Singapore you truly are great friends, you wined and dined me, you made me laugh, you made me cry (with laughter) you made my 39th better than my 41st- giddy up, thank you ladies. Happy birthday to me Yeah.
Cheers Nic
Cheers Nic
Thursday, January 29, 2009

Is turning 11 today, how exciting. With an early morning wake up call (don't worry Grandma Jenaya was already awake) the day had started. The birthday fairy had been, balloons and happy birthday signs every where and Moose had even stayed home to see his little Noodle. Off to school with her cup cakes tucked under her arm and a spring in her step, there was another couple of surprise for her, first a bright red Baby G watch - WOW (just what I wanted), then a very large HAPPY BIRTHDAY sign hanging in the condo's common area, made by some very special friends - what a day it is going to be.
Naya Noodle you are THE bestest daughter, sister, cousin, granddaughter, friend, mate, buddy, pal that any of us could ask for. Time has just flown by and you make everyday so much fun, you always make us so proud in all that you do. We Love you more than anything, even MUD. xxxxx
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Gong Xi Fa Cai, Happy Australia Day

This year Chinese new year and Australia day fell on the same day, so in honour of this Jenaya hit the kitchen to cook Chicken Dumplings. I know you probably don't think there would be any connection to Australia with Dumplings, but wait there is......She found the recipe in a the Donna Hay kids cookbook. For those of you who don't know Donna Hay - she is Australian and very handy in the kitchen. Anyway, Noodle hit the kitchen with gusto, we had fried dumplings, steamed dumplings and a noodle dish with steamed chicken balls and coriander. All extremely delicious. So to all Happy Australia Day and also Gong Xi Fa Cai, may the new year bring good fortune and prosperity.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Back To Reality With a

Thud, that's what has happened to Marty Moose.....Oh Boo Whoooooo. His first day back to work and he headed on up to Beijing. A very cold Beijing -1 actually hahahahaha. Leaving behind a balmy 30 degrees. Don't feel too bad for him he was only there for 2 days then back home for the weekend. Oh but then he left us again on Sunday night heading for Hong Kong this time, he calls it work, Me, I like to call it a junket. Anyway he is back with us again in a couple of days then next Sunday he is off again. The frequent flyer points are looking good. Well enough about him and some more about us. Jenaya and Kai still have another 2 weeks and 2 days until school starts again still so many thing to do, places to go, fun to have, money to spend, then it's back to reality for them, as for me I don't think I ever want to return so I might just stay exactly where I am.
One last thing, Grandma we hope you feel better soon, Club Moose is very worried about you, so please, please, please look after yourself - we love and miss you and Grandad lots xxxxx
Monday, January 5, 2009

Today is the Moose's birthday and we are all so very excited. With a early morning wake up call from all the Hewitt's singing that wonderful happy birthday song, to Jenaya and Kai's perfectly planned out day of FUN, FUN, FUN. Whether Marty thinks it's fun we will wait and see. To a beautiful Chicken Satay Stir Fry dinner - his choice and the usual ice cream birthday cake (homemade of course) it should be a hoot of a day. We can't wait to get started....
Nicole, Jenaya and Monkey boy xxxx
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