That's right, Dot with the Lot is on here way back to Singapore. We have about 5 1/2 more hours until she hits our shores. Boy O Boy are we excited, Jenaya and Kai have a list of things for her to do, places to go and things to see. Can't wait. So for 2 wonderful weeks Nanny will be able to hug, kiss oh and spoil Jenaya and Kai rotten. Look out Singapore.
We have also had some day visitors over the weekend, Dave and Dianna stopped by on their way back from their 4 week honeymoon. Was really fantastic to catch up with them again and hear about all the wonderful places that they have visited. Looking forward to catching up with them again for part II of their wedding down in Kangaroo Valley in a 10 days time - Giddy up. Also in town last Sunday was a old friend, a guy I use to work with, yes I use to work. It was great to catch up with Jeff, we all had a great Sunday, eating, drinking, swimming and having a good laugh about life.