Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Jenaya's Snap Shot's of Vietnam

We let Jenaya use our old digital camera on our holiday, it was the first time that she has been totally in charge of a camera and we think she did pretty good for a first timer and a 10 year old.

She really did take some great photo's and I'm sure with more practise she is going to be quiet handy behind the lens.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Some More Holiday Snaps

Today was our back to reality day - Jenaya and Kai back to school, Marty Moose back to work and Me well back to ....... that stuff that I do. Anyway thought it was a great day to go over some pictures that we took when we were away and just pretend that the holiday wasn't over. Boo Whooo.....

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Some Holiday Snaps

Belle Turns 11 !!!!

Happy Birthday Belle, we hope you had a fantastic 11th birthday. Don't know where those 11 years have gone, they have flown. Wish we were there to help you celebrate cause we know that your at party girl a heart - just like your Mum.

Love and lots and lost of kisses

Unlce Marty, Aunty Cole, Jenaya and Kai xxx

Friday, July 25, 2008


and boy did we have a fantastic time. The weather was HOT - how hot ? HOT, the food was great, the people interesting and the sight's well they were just fabulous. Oh I forgot the shopping, that was pretty great also. We saw so many great things, met some really nice people. We learnt what crazy driver's there are in Vietnam, every man for himself I think is the main road rule, don't take any notice of the road signs and overtake on any side of the road and that includes footpath's. Hoi An was beautiful, the people gentle and kind, Hanoi was manic, crazy and out of control, but the people in general were very nice, they loved touching the kid's blonde hair. We caught up with Alison and Ian in Hanoi, which was fantastic, so great to see them after 6 1/2 years - haven't change a bit. So a super time was had by all the Moose's but as always it is good to be home. Oh I forgot I did go a bit crazy on the photo's - 276 in total some are great, while some are well just say they won't see the light of day, but did have a lot of fun with the new toy.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

The time has come....

to pack our bags and head off on holidays.... Like I said we are very tired after all our birthday celebrations this week so a holiday is in order and we are off...

Where I hear you ask.....Vietnam, how excited are all the moose's....... VERY.

If your lucky you might get a postcard, if we get time, but we will be thinking of all of you, wishing you were with us, I'm sure the weather will be great and the food fantastic and the sights just wonderful. So off we must go and get ready for our trip, we will miss you all, well maybe.....

Another day, Another birthday....

but that doesn't mean we're not as excited as all the others that we have celebrated this week, it just means we are very tired and need a holiday.....

Soooooooo a HUGE HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Lachie McBeath, we hope you have a super duper birthday and we are very sure that you will be spoilt.

Have a great day Lachie.

Lots of love

Uncle Marty, Aunty Nic, Jenaya and Kai xxxx

Friday, July 11, 2008

Happy Birthday Isabelle

We hope you hope you have a FANTASTIC Birthday. Enjoy your Ice Skating birthday party,may you and your friends have lots and lots of fun. May your day be full of fun, laughter and birthday cake.

Our love always

Uncle Marty, Aunty Nic, Jenaya and Kai. xxxx

Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Isabelle happppppppy birthday to you...... xxxxx

Monday, July 7, 2008


A huge happy birthday wish for one Mackenzie James Horth, we hope you have a fantastic 6th birthday. Kai wishes he was there to help celebrate your birthday oh and to help eat your cake....
Lots of love Kenz.....

Uncle Docco's, Aunty Nicco's, The Rose and Kai xxxx

Happy Birthday to you...

Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday dear Abigail
Happy birthday to youuuuuuu.

Happy 2nd birthday Abigail, we hope you have a fun filled day. May the birthday fairy fill your day with glitter, balloons, present's and yummy birthday cake..

Love and Kisses
Uncle Marty, Aunty Nic, Jenaya and Kai xxxx

Friday, July 4, 2008

The Things You Can Do....

Today we headed out early - yes early, unusual for me I know but I sprung out of bed, well not actually sprung, but crawled, let's be honest. Back to the story, Jenaya and Kai are on school holidays AGAIN, so we thought today would be a great day to head out to Singapore Zoo for the morning. Try and beat the heat, the crowd's and we did beat the heat, gosh there are a lot of people that get up early - I'm shocked. We headed on out and had a fabulous time, the kid's got to feed the elephant's, the giraffe's and watch the polar bears being feed. I do have to say Kai did volunteer to help feed the polar bear's until he relised he would have to swim really fast with a fish between his teeth. He lost interest very very quickly then - maybe next time once he has started swim lessons.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Monkey Boy's Birthday Bash

What a day, games were played, prizes were won and songs were sung. They yelled, they ate, they danced and they chased. Balls were kicked, water balloons were thrown and a large man was chased and tackled to the ground. Oh what fun was had.... It was sad to see them go, tummies full of hot dogs and cake, bags full of lollies in their little chubby hands. Tired Moose's everywhere, thank goodness I think where the words that Marty uttered, thank goodness we have 12 months to recover, oh and thank goodness we only have one 6 year old.