and boy did we have a fantastic time. The weather was HOT - how hot ? HOT, the food was great, the people interesting and the sight's well they were just fabulous. Oh I forgot the shopping, that was pretty great also. We saw so many great things, met some really nice people. We learnt what crazy driver's there are in Vietnam, every man for himself I think is the main road rule, don't take any notice of the road signs and overtake on any side of the road and that includes footpath's. Hoi An was beautiful, the people gentle and kind, Hanoi was manic, crazy and out of control, but the people in general were very nice, they loved touching the kid's blonde hair. We caught up with Alison and Ian in Hanoi, which was fantastic, so great to see them after 6 1/2 years - haven't change a bit. So a super time was had by all the Moose's but as always it is good to be home. Oh I forgot I did go a bit crazy on the photo's - 276 in total some are great, while some are well just say they won't see the light of day, but did have a lot of fun with the new toy.